Dear Candidates, do you really want this job?

Uncommitted and time-wasting job candidates. Really? When there are so many people looking for and wanting to work? Yes, unfortunately they do exist. You know who we mean; the ones that seem really interested in the role, say all of the right things and then at the last moment, when you offer them the job,

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I hate my job but I’m too scared to change…

Sunday afternoons don’t feel like the weekend anymore; you’re already thinking about Monday at work. Every morning you wish for longer in bed and dread the alarm, because that means work, and every morning miserable because you can’t stand the thought of going to the office to do a job you hate. It’s written all

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Is Self Sabotage Affecting Your Job Search?

Self sabotage… We’ve seen it so often. People getting so close to their goals then putting self imposed barriers in the way as to why it can’t be completed or reached. Lots of what ifs and buts…. People spend their lives trying to be accepted by their peers and society. The job, the car, the

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3 Top Job Search Tips To Get You Hired!

Job searching is hard. Make no bones about it, it really doesn’t matter whether you’re searching for your first job, a change of roles, a new career entirely, you’re a graduate or you’ve been made redundant. A job isn’t and should be just a job. You spend much of your life at work so you

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Over 50 & Struggling to Find a Job? We Can help…

Job hunters over-50 feel they’re being discriminated against with regards to finding a job because of their age. Many people we speak to when recruiting feel they are being overlooked, sometimes because of a lack of online presence on social networking sites, which increases the chance of being spotted by headhunters and recruiters. Another issue

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