Dear Candidates, do you really want this job?

Uncommitted and time-wasting job candidates. Really? When there are so many people looking for and wanting to work? Yes, unfortunately they do exist. You know who we mean; the ones that seem really interested in the role, say all of the right things and then at the last moment, when you offer them the job,

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LEADERSHIP: Focus on the GOAL, not the ROLE…

Whether you’re managing a team and it’s proving tricky, or, you’re in a team and feel your Manager isn’t working for/listening to you, there are ways to make work-life more harmonious! We aren’t getting on our soap-box here, but too often problems arise in the office through MISS-COMMUNICATION or the complete lack thereof… TALK TO

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Stress Awareness Month: Lose The Guilt

April is Stress Awareness Month. Sponsored by The Health Resource Network (HRN), a non-profit health education organisation, Stress Awareness Month is a national, cooperative effort to inform people about the dangers of stress, successful coping strategies, and harmful misconceptions about stress that are prevalent in our society; and especially at work, where we spend the

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Encourage Your Employees To Take Breaks

We see it more than ever these days; burnout. Life in general in the 21st Century is 24/7 and work plays a huge part in our lives.  Think about things for a minute; look around your office. How many people are glued to their computer screens or phones? Are people eating lunch at their desks?

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