Does your accent affect your chances of getting the job?

Everyone knows it’s illegal for an employer to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity and national origin. But what about how you sound? From Geordie to Scouse, Cockney to West Country; Britain has a plethora of proud accents, and there has been some discussion lately as to whether an accent can help or hinder your chances of getting

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Is Self Sabotage Affecting Your Job Search?

Self sabotage… We’ve seen it so often. People getting so close to their goals then putting self imposed barriers in the way as to why it can’t be completed or reached. Lots of what ifs and buts…. People spend their lives trying to be accepted by their peers and society. The job, the car, the

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Don’t overlook the importance of SOFT SKILLS!

You’ve got the best grades; great! So why are Graduates and generation Y finding it so difficult to impress employers? Because today, you need something far more intangible to get ahead… soft skills! What Are Soft Skills? “Soft skills”: the talents that businesses have pinpointed as the modern workplace’s most sought-after qualities. These include intangible

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